Saturday, January 16, 2010

Umbilical Cord Blood Banking Is Banking Umbilical Cord Blood Old News Or The Way Of The Future?

Is banking umbilical cord blood old news or the way of the future? - umbilical cord blood banking

Thanks to its use in research on stem cells from umbilical cord blood will be a new fad or perhaps even a necessity? And when that happens, and then the insurance companies or providers of health services to cover the cost for them? I want to hear some pros ... thanx


midnight... said...
Here is the link to be treated to a webcast on 9/10/08 Updated cord blood. It is of BMT Infonet (BMT, bone marrow .. this is a page of support) for organ transplantation

I, 2 units of cord blood in my stem cell transplant, both public donation bank, so maybe I'm biased.

I think, or at least hope that the trend is to donate to public banks. Private banking is expensive and may never get used. The gift to the public bank is likely to get used to.

I do not know that I would never say that I do not think he should be able to bank privately, but if no one will be given to the state-owned banks, I wouldnt have my transplant had.

I think all hospitals should be established to accept donations from the public atleast. I also believe that there should be guidelines or perhaps even the laws, if the parents are not private bank, the bank public, but from biological waste.

I doubt insurance --Cover private banking in the near future. Would you dramatically increase all women's and maternity insurance. Unfortunately, there is not much room to drop prices. I know little, but the high cost reliable enough.

I know that my medical insurance (Medicare and Medicaid) for the services of my blood to public cord blood banking industry paid for.

Panda said...

It is an interesting concept. . especially if the illness in the family known. . However, there are some restrictions on the bank of umbilical cord blood. . The main point is that in some cases (the ports of cord blood from the same disease if they are preserved for all types of diseases), which means that the cord blood for the patient function. Another problem is that cord blood for an infant in order. . growing but as the age of your body and requires more stem cells from cord blood can provide. . Thus, if a teenager or adult. . not enough cord blood. Tan. There are some problems with it and the people of umbilical cord banks must research and reflection interested. . May be better to donate cord blood, rather than saving.

Cord Blood Donation ...

cold grey Ash said...

Most people want their children's blood bank, "when" they need a transplant one day, etc. With the help of stem cells from umbilical cords hel with you if you need one days. The probability that the child would be necessary, they would quickly run is really long shot and killed one. We have not to our children's bench, and I think we made the right decision.

brainand... said...

Of banks of umbilical cord blood is here to stay, but we hope that will be opened in the future accessibility of the bank donation. Many families can not afford to pay for the network is "security", but also for those who need it, the gift may be a viable option.

brainand... said...

Of banks of umbilical cord blood is here to stay, but we hope that will be opened in the future accessibility of the bank donation. Many families can not afford to pay for the network is "security", but also for those who need it, the gift may be a viable option.

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